
Not working.
The batteries are
not working.

I sell a show
that is old
and boring.

My batteries are
not working.
I am stuck here.

I cry a pain.
It sores and
extremely hurt.

Not working are
the batteries
inside my head.



About chester maynes

poet, and a lover of music and books.
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7 Responses to Negative.

  1. GigiGeorgina says:

    Lovely poem; I really like it. Keep up the good work. πŸ™‚

  2. Nicely done. I can empathise.

  3. Fatimaanoor says:

    Reblogged this on poestry and commented:
    apt poem defining numbness

  4. sofiaomars says:

    Urgh…… Your poem really represent me sometimes~~ when I can’t do something creative, oh my gosh!!!! Glad this in a way is a jump start, awesome poem! πŸ‘Œ looking forward to your future posts!

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