federal gods, sparrow lines

This is my blog of poetry and poems. Eat them like steak. Drink them like wine. Read them as ME!

311 Responses to federal gods, sparrow lines

  1. JazzehTheSpazzeh.xo says:

    Loving everything thus far! Just wanted to say thank you for the likes and follows. πŸ™‚


  2. CM: Heads up! RT has nominated you for a “Very Inspiring Blogger” award. Instructions are included in the Rag Tree’s most recent post. Congratulations! RT

  3. tsizzles says:

    Hi Chester, I know it’s late but I nominated you for the β€œBlog Of The Year” award. Check it out:

    Blog of the year 2012 award

  4. Chrysant says:

    wow, you do really love to write poetry πŸ™‚

  5. Subhan Zein says:

    Hello Chester Maynes,

    I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. I would like to thank you because you continue following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint and that your visits in there have been a joyful ride. Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. πŸ™‚

    Subhan Zein

    • Hi Subhan Zein!

      Happy New Year too! Wish You all the best in your gift of writing and your continuous blogging! Looking forward to more exciting write-ups in your site! Thank You, likewise and may you be blessed more as you share the gift of writing to the world! πŸ™‚

      Chester πŸ™‚

      • Subhan Zein says:

        Oh, thank you for your kind words, Chester. πŸ™‚ At moments like this I am just hoping that my short stories and poetry do not disappoint, that’s all. Now I am catching up with my followers, and hope that I’d be able to post something on Monday next week, and regularly post something once or twice a week after that. Hope that would suffice.

        Thank you again, Chester, you are one wonderful soul. May the world become a much brighter place with the power of your words, my friend. πŸ™‚

        Subhan Zein

      • and many many thanks for those inspiring words! πŸ™‚ your being thoughtful is priceless and i am happy to hear from you! πŸ™‚

      • Subhan Zein says:

        Pleasure. Keep carving brilliance,Chester, many blessings and much love to you. πŸ™‚

        Subhan Zein

  6. Thank you for the likes πŸ™‚ Reading some of your poetry now, it’s beautiful πŸ™‚ Keep it up! I look forward to reading more!

  7. dswan13 says:

    hey, just wanted to say thanks for following my blog and liking some of my work!!

  8. thank you for reading my poetry. i am enjoying your exceptionally lyrical poems.


  9. rlsharpe says:

    Thanks for the follow, I have returned the favour and am looking forward to reading you work πŸ™‚

  10. Trisha Dey says:

    Hey Chester! Thanks for being on my blog and following it! You’ve a awesome collections of poems. Will be looking forward for more from you! πŸ™‚

  11. Monica says:

    a great introduction

  12. donnybud2 says:

    Thanks for taking time to view a little of my life.

  13. Nice blog. You certainly keep the poems coming! Thanks for following mine.

  14. Trisha Dey says:

    Hey Chester, I’ve nominated you for The Gargie Award! Kindly accept it! πŸ™‚
    Here’s the link-

  15. 2ndhalfolife says:

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. bpb says:

    thanks for the follow, hope i live up to the expectation πŸ˜‰

  17. sarahlmandl says:

    Thank you for following my blog, Nincompoopery. I’m not a poet, but I love poetry. I look forward to becoming aquainted with your writing.

  18. cherylsavala says:

    Hi Chester…you’ve been nominated for a well deserved Liebster Award πŸ™‚

  19. feelingjoy says:

    Hi Chester. Thank you for visiting feelingjoy and liking my poem and following me. I enjoyed visiting your blog site.

  20. Jasper Is Not A Girl's Name says:

    I’m liking what I see so far, please keep up with the beautiful poetry! Cheers

  21. Trisha Dey says:

    Hey Chester! I’ve nominated you for a award. Please accept it!

  22. john says:


    Got a message that you started following my blog, the Book of Pain (http://bookofpain.wordpress.com) and I wanted to drop by and thank you. I am impressed with your work. You have a strong and individual voice. Keep up the excellent writing! I look forward to reading more here!

  23. Joycelyn says:

    Do you mind if I eat the wine and drink the steak instead? Read a few of your poems, and what can I say? Great write up’s here. Thank you Sir for the follow, will do the same since I love the way you write. Have a happy day ahead!

    • Hello my dear Jocelyn. You made me smile today. I’m thankful for giving me the opportunity to share what I have written here. Happy blogging and looking forward to your wonderful works! πŸ™‚

  24. Hi. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve nominated you for a 2013 Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Thanks for the richness you add to my day! http://myscatteredbones.com/2013/02/18/actual-writing/

  25. Hello Chester!
    I would like to tell you that i’ve nominated you for the VERY INSPIRING BLOG AWARD. you can check it out here http://merelyinspired.wordpress.com/2013/02/19/whats-going-on-very-inspiring-blogger-award/

    Have a good day!
    -Catherine Joy

  26. smiley11 says:

    you have lovely poems out here…
    i guess i am going to have another hang-out coz i am following you back! πŸ™‚
    thank you for the like and the visit too.. πŸ™‚

  27. wisperin9shad0s says:


  28. Chester Maynes,
    I nominated you for the “Best Moment Award” (see my blog: http://typewritersandwine.com). I enjoy reading your blog!
    -Typewriters & Wine

  29. prayingforoneday says:

    Thank you for the follow.
    Following back πŸ™‚


  30. kazhancock says:

    I definitely shall read your poems as you…..just as mine are pieces of me. There is no other way to write…right?! x

  31. Alice Keys says:

    Thanks for the follow. I had two wines and no steak please. Vegetarian poetry only.;-)

  32. Chester, thank you for the likes and for following my blog. I hope it doesn’t disappoint you. I read your poem concerning the approach of forty. It brought me a smile. Life seems to be getting more interesting for me as I approach sixty.

    Jim Wittenberg

  33. abigler42 says:

    Loving your poetry! You have a clear and original voice!

  34. jannatwrites says:

    Well, I like steak and poetry (not so much wine) – I’d say two out of three isn’t bad πŸ™‚

    Thanks for visiting my blog – I’ve enjoyed reading several of your latest poems!

  35. Eva van Beek says:

    Hey there, just thought I’d let you know that I nominated you for the β€œVery Inspiring Blogger Award”: http://evavanbeek.com/2013/03/18/thank-you/

  36. Dieu says:

    So, I’ve nominated you for the Shine On Award because of the light your lovely poetry creates. There’s no obligation to participate, but details are here : http://dieuonthegrass.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/shine-on-award/
    Keep on shining!

  37. Please accept this award, Tagged In – Blog Nomination

    Tagged In – Blog Nomination

    Thank you!
    – Catrizia.

  38. randomwordsmillionmeanings says:

    Your work is such fun!

  39. jjspina says:

    Thanks Chester for following my blog. Just be YOU! You are unique and special as we all are.
    Good luck with your writing.


  40. janinahope says:

    thank you for your follow! i look forward to reading your work also.

    janina hope

  41. willmeneke says:

    great introduction ! thank you
    and thank you for visiting my blog

  42. Martin Shone says:

    Hello, Chester, thanks for following my poetry blog πŸ™‚

  43. ollielulu says:

    Thank you for the like. Lovely work!

  44. Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the follow! πŸ™‚

  45. dianaontheprowl says:

    “federal gods, sparrow lines” — saying this out loud made me smile. πŸ™‚

  46. leahlindeman says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and following it. Your poetry is very unique!

  47. Thank you for following my blog! Otherwise, I would not have found yours, and I’m very happy to read your work. Beautiful writing!

  48. vwadams says:

    Hi Chester. Thanks for Following and hope you like my posts. Reciprocating. Best wishes, V.

  49. Mister Orpheus says:

    Thank you for the follow and honestly I’m glad that it led me here. Your poetry style paints vivid pictures with each line.

  50. littleinkelf says:

    I am happy that I stumbled upon your blog. It’s a constant source of great reads for me. Btw, I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. πŸ™‚ You can check it out here:

    A Surprising Award

  51. Hello, thanks for the visit to my blog and for the follow.

  52. Pingback: Awards Again… | Silent Confessions...

  53. AuthorMarina says:

    Great connecting with you here. Thanks for reading my blog. I look forward to reading some of your work as well.

  54. Hi Chester, I was following your blog and “unfollowed” you and several others, unintentionally on my edit page. Now I am trying to re follow. So in case you noticed one less follower, it was me. Sorry.

  55. beckarooney says:

    Heya, thank you for the like and follow on my blog. I’m looking forward to reading your work, it’s great to find a blog that’s just about poetry! Thanks again πŸ™‚ x

  56. Thank you for following! Your poems are great, look forward to reading more. I hope you like mine. I’d love to know what you think about some of them!

  57. Sassy says:

    Hello Chester, thanks for the visit and follow. Wow, your blog is oozing with very-well written poetry. Keep it up. I’ll see you on my dash.


  58. rukapyon says:

    i like your poems. amazing!!! πŸ™‚


  59. Gorgeous imagery, interesting points of view. I’d love to hear what you thought of my poem, With Reverence – To my over-sprung toaster

  60. Tom Lucas says:

    Thanks for the follow. I’m looking forward to digging through your work.

  61. Sukoshiyama says:

    You have a great future as a writer! Thanks for the follow. πŸ˜€ Btw, which poet or which poem was it that had inspired you to write or even try your hand in poetry which you love so much right now? thanks. It’s good to read poems that continue to inspire you as a writer, right? Mine’s Ezra Pound and Pablo Neruda.

    – Sukoshiyama, The Morning Bath Post

    • You really picked two great ones, Sukoshiyama. My first loves were the imagists but Pablo, ah! Between him and Rumi, hard to pick. Both exquisitely splash out the metaphors, and love, Beloved, love! Of course, you weren’t asking me but I was reading Chester’s comments and followers, and wanted to respond. Blessed be!

  62. Allan G. Smorra says:

    Thank you for following my blog.

  63. inkspeare says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. It is nice to meet you here.

  64. Sebastian says:

    Hello Chester! I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at http://faith1stministries.com I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian

  65. RVT says:

    Hi Chester, thank you for liking my poem and following me…:-)

  66. Thanks for digging my sketches from my Solomon Grundy assignment.

  67. thanks for following; looking forward to reading more of your post

  68. thethingsgreaterthanme says:

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for following my blog! Means the world to me!

  69. malctg says:

    Hi Chester. Thank you for calling by and following my poetry journey. Best Wishes. The Foureyed Poet.

  70. icelandpenny says:

    “read them as ME…” yes, exactly. Thank you for choosing to follow my blog. I think we are both interested in wrapping words around ideas, and sending them out into the world

  71. rookienotes.wordpress.com says:

    Hey thank you for stopping by my blog. You’re awesome!

  72. Marisol Love says:

    greetings and thank you for following my blog!

  73. Lorem Ipsum says:

    Hey, Chester, I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award! I’ve been eating your poems like steak/drinking them like wine for free, up till now. This is my way of trying to pay you back some. Cheers!

  74. Dear Chester, Thank you so very much for liking my posts/poems and following me. As a WP “newbie” (do they use that word anymore? lol) your input means so much to me, and here I find a kindred spirit, in love of the word and love of Everything. I may not respond to every post but I am excited to read your entries; isn’t it exciting? You’re probably too young to remember poring over writers magazines and entering contests, submitting pieces, a few here, a few there – hop to 21st century and hello! We get to share with anyone who loves writing, art, inspiration, whatever, as much as we do. Thanks so much! Blessed be…

  75. beckarooney says:

    Hiya I’ve nominated you for the Liebster blog award, check out my post http://thisandthat93.wordpress.com/2013/04/27/the-liebster-blog-award for the details! πŸ™‚ x

  76. thank you for the following! πŸ™‚

  77. Hi Chester,
    Thank you for following my blog. I enjoy your poetry and am now following you, too! πŸ™‚

  78. Thank you for dropping by and following Malcolm’s Corner.

  79. Merci pour le fait d’ajouter!!! d–0.o–b Ciao!

  80. leamuse says:

    Thanks for choosing to follow one of my blogs. I hope you continue to enjoy the posts. Now back to reading more of your work.

  81. sidsledge says:

    Dear Chester… good to ‘meet’ you and thanks for following sid’s ledge… I look forward to reading more of your beautiful poems.. Sid

  82. Hello! Just wanted to say that I nominated you for an award. You can see it here http://theelusivescribe.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/my-first-ever-sunshine-award/. πŸ™‚

  83. Ryan says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  84. Harold Green says:

    Hi chester. Really enjoyed, and could really relate to, your poem today “Songs of the End”. Thank you for discovering my blog http://www.throughharoldslens.com. It gave me the opportunity to discover, explore and Follow your blog. Hope we both enjoy our journeys. Best, Harold

  85. Thanks for the follow =D Your poetry is great

  86. frizztext says:

    federal gods = good title!

  87. echoesconder says:

    Hi! Just wanted to find out how you gained readership for your poetry? B/c I’m starting out and would like more to read mine!:-)

    • hello there…welcome to wordpress…you just have to constantly post your work here and try to comment on others blog as well πŸ™‚ i hope it works out for you as well πŸ™‚

  88. qcatqwerty says:

    Very nice blog you have here! πŸ™‚ Thanks a lot for stopping by and following me- I appreciate it. All the best! πŸ™‚

  89. Alex Barton says:

    Your flowing free verse is refreshing, and a delight to read – glad I came across your blog! πŸ™‚

  90. Great lines πŸ™‚

  91. arhughes01 says:

    Hi Chester. Thanks so much for responding to my blog. That’s what it’s all about: sharing and forming bonds with others. πŸ™‚
    I’m pleased that you liked ‘See Jane Write…’ Would love to hear from you about how/why you write – if you have the inclination. I know, it can be very personal, so no expectations there.
    I got to look at the first blog you listed. Still have to read a lot of it. I love the phrase:

    playful thoughts
    steal your
    virgin face

    Will read more soon. And I will be following you, too.

    Best to you


  92. arhughes01 says:

    Hi Chester. I am a Luddite. Can you tell me how I go about ‘following’ your blogs? Is there something ‘formal’ or tech. that I can do? I want to let others know that I am following too.

    A.H. R.

  93. HBeans says:

    hi ya, thanks so much for the follow. I like your work, looking forward to reading more πŸ™‚

  94. fgassette says:

    Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to follow my blog. I hope you are encouraged, inspired and enjoy the photos I take of life’s events as seen through the lens of my camera.

  95. Herman says:

    Hi Chester. Thank you for following HoB. Much appreciated! I’ll be hanging around here…

  96. traciegila says:

    Beautiful poems! I felt instantly relaxed when your blog page loaded – love the colour and photo combo! TLG.

  97. Hi.. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Do check my post out at http://slightlytwistedjane.wordpress.com/2013/05/17/liebster-award/ and spread the love. Happy blogging!

  98. Thank you so much for following my blog! I’m so glad that you enjoyed it πŸ˜€
    – Just Smile

  99. storiesbyfrances says:

    I canΒ΄t do poetry, so IΒ΄m quite happy that you decided to start a blog!

  100. Chester–THANKS for subscribing to my funny-caption photoblog, TheDailyGraff.com. I hope I can bring you a smile (or at least a groan) every weekday.
    –John R.

  101. Pingback: Super Sweet Blog Award | Zia's Site

  102. Zia says:

    Hello, I have just nominated you for the Super Sweet Blog Award. http://ziabuddy.wordpress.com/2013/05/21/super-sweet-blog-award/

  103. AR Neal says:

    Thank you for following my blog πŸ™‚

  104. arhughes01 says:

    Thank you Chester. I will be getting to it tonight. It should be fun.

  105. arhughes01 says:

    Hey Chester. Re. the readership award. My blog is very new: I don’t even have fourteen readers to nominate, and have not yet made links with fourteen websites. So it looks like I can’t participate in this. Or am I reading something wrong?

  106. Nirmal Bajwa says:

    Thanks for the visit and follow.

  107. K.W.Villa says:


    Hey man, I appreciate the follow and all the likes given.

    Let’s work on something sometime.


  108. a.h.richards says:

    Hi Chester. Please ignore my comments re. the award. I was reading it wrong.


  109. Debbie says:

    Ahhh, I just noticed that you became a subscriber of Shadows. Thanks ever so kindly. A recent move has diverted my time and attention, but soon I hope to return to consistent writing and having time to adequately find out about you too. Again, thanks very kindly.

  110. Hi thanks for visiting and now following my blog and for the like! Look forward to reading some of your work. πŸ™‚

  111. alkaplan says:

    Nice poems. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you enjoy my future posts.

  112. hey.. good stuff you got here

  113. Julia Kovach says:

    Thanks for popping by my blog and leading back to yours. Beautiful image. I’m looking forward to more from you. I can see that it holds great promise. Magical. Take good care. xoJulia

  114. Hi Chester, thank you for following our Blog, it is so good to read that others are saying thank you to you to you too, it seems today that many forget to do so, or think they can choose if they want to be polite or not.

    God tells us to say thank you but if it is just for their own benefit like those who want to sell their material goods, then perhaps it is not of real value anyway but to be fair, there may be other reasons, like when I have lost all my e-mails when my Computers crashed another reason I haven’t done so is because the Teaching others sometimes share may harm those who follow us but this is mainly with Reblogs and Pingbacks, mostly they are ok.

    Thanks again – Christian Love from both of us – Anne.

  115. ChgoJohn says:

    Thanks for the “Follow”. I look forward to reading more of your poetry.

  116. Thanks for the follow- made my day a little more special πŸ™‚

  117. julespaige says:

    I am delighted to bookmark another poet. Thanks for enjoying my space.

  118. leamuse says:

    Thank you for choosing to follow one of my blogs. I hope you continue to enjoy the posts.

  119. Thanks for following my blog! This looks like a great site.

  120. Thank you for following my blog – I apologize in advance for the many posts you will receive these next few weeks – I’m moving an entire blog over from Xanga (which is shutting down) to WP – once all posts moved over the frequency will reduce. Like your blogsite πŸ™‚

  121. Thanks for the follow! Very nice poetry here on your blog. πŸ™‚ Keep up the great work and all the best.

  122. dhonour says:

    Hi Chester–stopped by to say thanks for choosing to follow Wine and Cheese (Doodles). I love letter and word play within poetry–I used to play with it a lot myself and really enjoy reading other people’s work. Hope to see you around WCD.

  123. raffβ™₯ says:

    Abyss – its you.

  124. Dear Chester,

    You write lovely poems. Thank you for sharing. Also, thank you for visiting and following my blog. Hope you visit again!


  125. Ahoy, hoy, thank you liking my poem ‘writer’. I very much enjoy your poems. Thanks again.

  126. Cheri L. says:

    Hi Chester! You have a truly interesting voice. Your poems make me think, which is what good writing should do! Thanks for stopping by and following The Brass Rag. Come back and see us again soon, we look forward to your comments. Meanwhile, happy writing.

  127. Bugburrypond says:

    Hi Chester! Thanks for following my blog… I am now following you as well & am very much looking forward to reading your poetry πŸ™‚

  128. Hi, thanks for following my blog theironastrolabe.com, I read some of your pieces and you got a new follower too.

  129. Thanks for the like and follow! You’ve got some pretty nice stuff yourself

  130. irinadim says:

    Hi Chester! I love your poems. Thanks for the follow. Now I’m following you too.

  131. znjavid says:

    Thanks for liking my very first poem and the follow! Regards, Zainab

  132. Sada Khanal says:

    thanks for following my blog….

  133. Hi Chester,
    I have nominated you for a Libester Award – If you accept it, please visit my page to see what this is all about: http://timelessferry.wordpress.com/2013/09/03/liebster-award/

  134. writeonthebeach says:

    Lovely poetry. Thanks for calling in over at my blog and following. Come back soon.

  135. rudywolf says:

    Thank you for liking my post and following my blog.

  136. Ann Marie Thomas says:

    Thanks for following my blog. It’s mostly about my writing and my faith, but there’s some poetry too. Hope it inspires you!

  137. Thank you kindly for dropping by wePoets, it’s much appreciated. We’d be happy to showcase your poetry should you want to share. If so, our submission and theme pages explain everything. πŸ™‚

  138. elephantthrown says:

    Man, great poetry.

  139. Adrian B says:

    Thank you for following my blog and I hope I will see you more often .

  140. daniellajoe says:

    thanks for visiting with me and following, you have a nice blog, nice light poetry πŸ™‚ i like it..

  141. Sandy Sue says:

    Hi, Chester. Thanks so much for visiting my site and choosing to follow along.

  142. Roho Ya Chui says:

    Thank you for the follow! πŸ™‚ Lovely poems you write!

  143. Yoshiko says:

    Thank you for following my poetry blog. May you enjoy my poetry πŸ™‚

  144. Thanks for stopping by and following Lessons by Heart! πŸ™‚

    Praising Jesus who gives us peace!

  145. narble says:

    Thanks for the likes and the follow. When I put something up and someone responds in a positive way, it makes me feel like I’m contributing something. That’s a good feeling.

  146. Seenorway says:

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog! At the moment you’Β¨ll be able to find more than 2300 beautiful ‘full-screen-photos’ from Norway. Please enjoy!

  147. araneus1 says:

    Thank you for the follow, it’s very encouraging.

  148. Hi, Chester! Glad to have you in my blog. Writing is our passion, isn’t it?

  149. Thanks for following Sue’s considered Trifles. Sue

  150. petrel41 says:

    Congratulations, Chester!

    I have nominated your blog for the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, thanks JoΓ«lle!

  151. mscharlies says:

    Thank you for following WordBowlbyMsCharlieS and introducing me to your powerful poetry β€” “brief cloud nine”, WOWZA

  152. silver wolf says:

    Thank you for following me πŸ™‚
    You have a very nice blog.

  153. very cool. Happy holidays and have a great year ahead.

  154. elephantthrown says:

    Hey – just messaging to make you aware of my competition, I really value everyone who decided to follow my blog (there may be one or two I fear who just spilt coffee on themselves and accidentally clicked the button.. but I’m still taking it as a win). I need help deciding which poems to perform in the next month or two and I’d really value your opinion.

    Stay Well – Mart

  155. Marina says:

    Hi, I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award! For details, please visit my post at http://my37.wordpress.com/2014/01/12/aint-no-sunshine-when-shes-gone/ . πŸ™‚

  156. bejamin4 says:

    Love your style. Feels really different. Really fresh.

  157. sellairene says:

    i am a poetry and poem lover. So, i am happy and lucky to see your blog.
    And thank you because of you liking my post πŸ™‚

  158. Blackbird says:

    Thanks so much for stopping by to read and follow my blog! Enjoying yours as well!

  159. Gede Prama says:

    Dear friend, Thank you very much, I was really happy to have been following your blog. I’m still a lot to figure out, and here I can only say that you are an awesome blogger, full Inspiring and hope you can inspire more readers. Thanks and greetings compassion from Gede Prama πŸ™‚

  160. belsbror says:

    Greetings! Awards time, fellow blogger!
    I nominate you for The Inner Peace and The Very Inspiring Blogger Awards.
    You can check. http://wp.me/p32YrK-1tx for more details.
    Have a wonderful day!

  161. ywwp says:

    made my mind to follow your blog, regards

  162. Sophia says:

    Wow amazing work! Keep it up! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ ~ Sophia

  163. Rob McShane says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the like and follow. Enjoy your poetry too! Will be back! πŸ™‚

  164. georgetteann says:

    Obviously, I love the design of your blog! Thanks for the follow. πŸ™‚

  165. Franz says:

    Yo! Thanks for the like and follow. We fellow bloggers need to stick up for one another.

  166. dancer on the waves says:

    Hi, thank you for the like and the follow. Greetings!

  167. Thank you for following my blog! Would that we could subsist on words from the mind!

  168. Andy Lee says:

    Hey, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’ve just been reading through yours and I’m enjoying what you have created! Can you give me any tips or advice for a newbie blogger?

    Many thanks

    • Hi Andy! Wow! I’m glad you enjoy my writing. Hmmm, my advice sums up in four words: write passionately, write creatively. If you want to correspond more with me, we can do it via email. Just let me know. Thanks by the way! πŸ™‚


  169. Thank you for following my blog! πŸ™‚

  170. Adimu Mazwi says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. πŸ˜ƒ

  171. patricia says:

    Your like and follow of my blog brought me to yours. I am enjoying what I’ve read so far.
    Nice blog πŸ™‚ Thank you, chester maynes

  172. Thank you for following my blog and for leaving a like on my post πŸ™‚ excited to read your poems ^^

  173. Thank you for the follow!!
    How have you gotten so many followers – what am I doing wrong?

  174. weebluebirdie says:

    Thank you for following my blog. Glad you found something to connect with

  175. penpowersong says:

    i like your poetic style…great!

  176. becausethisishowissaythings says:

    Thanks for following my blog! I really appreciate it, I’m slightly in awe of the amount of poetry you write! How do you do it?! πŸ™‚

  177. prashantt says:

    Thanks a lot for stopping by my blog and i am thankful to you as i fall in love with your poetry,it feels wonderful to read.Always pleasure meeting & knowing you.
    Stay blessed & keep writing as I am sure others will enjoy reading it πŸ™‚

  178. Tijani says:

    Thanks for the follow. love your blog!

  179. harsh211 says:

    So far so good …

    You have a very nice and motivating blog .keep up the good work

  180. Cathy says:

    Hey, Chester πŸ™‚ thanks for following. I love your poetry, look forward to reading more.

  181. Nice work… Keep up and take care

  182. ichasyahfa says:

    Love your poetry. Keep up the good works! πŸ™‚ Are you Asian, anyway?

  183. tpa72 says:

    Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and for following. πŸ™‚

  184. Caro says:

    Sounds appetizing! I do believe I will! Caro

  185. Hey Chester..thanks for stopping by and liking a post and following my blog.
    Your poems are lovely..taking my own time to go through them..keep up the good work and take care πŸ™‚

  186. Susan Starr says:

    Thanks for liking my post today on Rumi. Lovely poetry!!

  187. utahrob says:

    Thanks for the follow. πŸ™‚

  188. Sheetal says:

    Hey there! Thanks for the follow. I loved your poems and looking forward to read more from you. I also liked the way you have set up your page. The animation is something else. I am still new at this. Haven’t yet figured out how to tweak the appearance part of the blog. Anyways, thanks again and its nice to meet you.

  189. Thank you for stopping by and like my post πŸ™‚
    You write beautiful poems. Keep up the good work!

  190. merridy2013 says:

    Thanks for the follow, Chester. That gave me the opportunity to have a look at all your lovely poems. They give food for thought!

  191. Thank you so much for stopping by my site and liking one of my poems! I sincerely appreciate it! 😊 I just read your poem “Black” and absolutely loved it! 😊

  192. baniwillsing says:

    Thankyou so much for the follow! πŸ™‚
    Your poems are amazing! Great work.

  193. samaborder says:

    Hi Chester, glad you liked the poem and the blog, I’m looking forward to investigating your site and your work.

  194. writing, writing, words words words. says:

    Hi! Thanks for the Follow! I’ll be exploring your work further. Like what I’ve already seen a LOT. πŸ™‚

  195. Roxie says:

    Hi Chester, thanks for the follow on my blog. I’m glad you did ’cause that has brought me to yours and this great feast of poetry.
    I’ve just read The Absence and I love it.
    To many more good reads πŸ™‚

  196. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blog Award; One Lovely Blog Award; & Versatile Blogger Award | Words That Flow Like Water

  197. Not a huge poetry reader, but very cool!

  198. Samjoth says:

    thanks for stopping by my blog πŸ™‚
    Glad meeting you !!

  199. Thanks for the follow Chester…loving your blog here….your poems are beautiful..looking forward to read more from you πŸ™‚

  200. fugli0 says:

    from poet to poet, handshakes and fist-bumps. thank you.

  201. Pooja Mehta says:

    Thanks for stopping my blog,
    You are an awesome poet
    glad to meet you πŸ™‚

  202. Temy Hoang says:

    Hi Chester,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking my poem.
    Your poems are beautiful!
    Nice to meet you πŸ™‚

  203. ucalison says:

    I’m already enjoying reading your poems and thank you so much for following my blog.

  204. Moe says:

    Hey! Thanks for being the first to get to my new blog, aren’t you the Columbus of poems πŸ™‚

  205. Jahnavi Chintakunta says:

    Hi Chester, Interesting introduction. I’ll surely eat, drink and read your poetry πŸ™‚

  206. lovelyhammer says:

    very nice…..
    love to read your poems πŸ™‚

  207. Awesome blog! Great work! Thank you for the follow! Needed to connect, but didn’t found your contact email! Kindly please drop your email id on painttheworldwithwords@gmail.com

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