standing alone in my world is not where i belong (without You)

the rest of them are there
            while i keep myself inside
where the only refuge is hiding
            and hiding is a friend of fear
and fear is living deep within

without You is incomplete
            in all imperfections, i stray
out of the crowd, out of You
            bye bye bye, goodnight lullaby
darkness fills my eyes
            how can i be blind?
i merely miss the light

            let me run where the wild horses are free
let me dance where the flowers are real
            let me walk with You on the road of perpetuity

it’s not beautiful where the colors are tampered
            where the world is black and white and blur
without You while i stand alone in my world
            has an ugly setback from this choice

there are no more excuses
            undo me, tame me, take me
let us stand together in our world


About chester maynes

poet, and a lover of music and books.
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144 Responses to standing alone in my world is not where i belong (without You)

  1. soumyav says:

    thanks for visiting my blog..this one is awesome..

  2. phoenix says:

    i love this one!

  3. lostupabove says:

    Thank you for following my blog.

  4. Some of your words describe events or thoughts I have had. Good words. And thanks for stopping by the check my blog.

  5. what a beautiful expression, loved it. 🙂

  6. Your poetry is intense and heartfelt! I appreciate your visiting my blog today. I hope to return to yours in the future as well.

  7. Thank you for liking my poetry and following. I really do appreciate that and the fact that you are a very good writer. Best wishes, Michael

  8. jymiely says:

    this one’s great: Darkness fills my eyes

    How can I be blind?

    I merely miss the Light

    -felt the sadness in this piece.. great one 😉 by the way, thanks for following, expect me to follow you around 😉

  9. Clarabelle says:

    Thank you for dropping by my blog, loving your poetry work, keep it up. Clarabelle

  10. “and hiding is a friend of fear”
    immobilizing regressive needs: awakened sleepers are touching your face
    de’ living psychic organism chester maynes
    raise a ladder take a step

  11. waltonmom says:

    This was SO inspiring!!!

  12. Awesome post! Awesome blog! I just followed.

  13. Charge. I’m going to Jrusaelem with good tiddings

  14. reneeboomer says:

    Thank you for following my blog. 🙂

  15. Your words are beautifully written. I really like this. Namaste.

  16. taking flight on the fiftenth to Geneva to see some bakners and then off to Jerusalem.These are the days of Elijah.

  17. prosingon says:

    Quite the journey in and out of love. Chin up, plenty more hearts out there to love.

  18. Thanks for following my blog. You gave me smiles!

  19. lydiaa5656 says:

    Simple, awesome, and the realism is very entertain, thanks for sharing.

  20. I like the line,
    Where the only refuge is Hiding

  21. Oh, the memories… ;’)

  22. Anu says:

    Thank you brother for sharing your insides with the world, and for visiting my blog, it was almost a forgotten project that I have just decided to revisit, will post some more recent poems soon, am glad you enjoyed ‘Stepping Stones’ thanks for reading. Will have a good read of your poetry and get back to you with my opinion………

  23. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words says:

    I like this very much….
    feels very real…
    and thank you for visiting my toughts..I appreciate it …
    Take Care…

  24. susan dowgiala says:

    Hi Chester,
    I’m glad you liked Loss. Thank you! I can tell by your poem above that you must also find it cathartic to let the thoughts out, rather than keep them bottled up. Keep going!

  25. Barry Cooper says:

    Like all of your stuff and your site is neat and easy to read!


  26. Thanks for following my poetry blog. I’m mainly a songwriter, and many of your poems would make good songs. This is my favorite. Very fine.

  27. mwboyslatin says:

    Your poetry is amazing and truly inspirational.

  28. Loved this poem Chester. I am sure I will enjoy exploring the rest of your blog.

  29. Barry Cooper says:

    great! i loved it.

  30. Thanks for following my blog. I am really enjoying reading your poems. They’re very emotional and inspiring. Looking forward to the next one.

  31. Out of the closet I came

    going to Jerusalem

    was a suicide mission

    I am alive so

    I am still a sencient

    being a shameles shaman

    I must be lifted

    so that I may draw all men

    into my presence

    remember my visit

    Who can ever forget it

    how can I forget

  32. Colleen Paige says:

    ………Where the world is black and white and blur. Brilliant. Gorgeous poem.

  33. Bri says:

    Hey Chester,thanks for checking out my poetry.i took the opportunity to peruse yours as well,very nice work,enjoyed thoroughly -Bri

  34. As a romance has not yet spoken to its real hostess while wandering in the course of life… Come to her again and again and a sunbeam will sparkle in your eyes some day. let me hope so .

  35. lisharvey says:

    Your a really good writer 🙂

  36. may you be together always!

  37. let me walk withyou to perpetuity… so image filling….

  38. Beautifully done….great poem!

  39. Excellent, Chester, I do so enjoy reading your poetry. This so resonates. xox

  40. mygr8reads says:

    Reblogged this on mygr8reads and commented:
    I found this poem I like and thought you might like to see it too!

  41. Seth says:

    What a powerful poem, I really enjoyed it.
    I felt taken back to an old memory of mine which resonated with what you have written.


  42. myrascircle says:

    Your blog is great! Thanks for following mine!

  43. mrj6 says:

    Chester, I’m a fiction writer, not a poet, but I must say you have ones of the best voices of modern poetry I have seen in a long time. Awesome!

  44. Tessa says:

    Chester, great poem and very inspirational! Thanks for following me as well.

  45. dreya07 says:

    I felt the emotions through each line and verse. The genuine and sincerity was strongly appeared. I like your poetry. Keep it up. Your talented!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your likes on my post as well, my fellow poet.

  46. mostlyunsaid says:

    Now I’m just jealous! Why can’t I write this good?… *Sigh*

  47. John Klobucher says:

    Thank you, Chester, for your like and follow of the Lore. All the best.

  48. Very beautiful poem Chester, A real delight to read!

  49. Many thanks for liking my recent post and following my blog. I much enjoyed visiting your site as well. Fantastic writing. Very moving!

  50. santisair says:

    Love your poem….and thanks for liked my post “permulaan”i’m just a beginner….not like you,i think you are the master………^_^

  51. Let me run where the wild horses are free
    Let me dance where the flowers are real

    These were my favourite lines

  52. mrj6 says:

    Chester, you come from a very real and original place, AND you have skillz! Some of the best poetry around today. Keep the poems coming (and by the way, I’m glad you like my blog. I like posting awesome poems, even if they aren’t my own).

  53. AIDAN TKAY says:

    i like it man!

  54. joseyphina says:

    It’s a beautiful piece, Chester! I love it!

  55. mrj6 says:

    Chester, that’s good deep stuff. I can feel the isolation and it takes me back to some of my own issues I’ve dealt with. If you get a chance, check out one of Robert Frost’s rarer poems, called The Subverted Flower. It’s awesome, although it’s about rejection as well. That’s the one that first struck a chord with me when I was younger about what I was going through, although it’s about a relationship desired, not a relationship broken.

  56. Thanks for finding my blog. I’ll be happy to follow yours.

  57. Harbans says:

    Thank you very much for visitng my blog. After going through your poems, I construe, you have a perspective just different from others. I would like to hear and read more from you. Keep it up.

  58. spiritblack says:

    I love this poem. I can very much relate to certain aspects.

  59. poeticville says:

    Really deep lines bro! Nice one

  60. fallcorn1936 says:

    Great Poetry. Thanks for sharing and also for looking at my blog

  61. adultsatires says:

    (Applauding) 🙂

  62. gregswim says:

    That’s a deeply meaningful poem. I enjoyed it. I like many lines but my favorite is where you say that hiding is a friend of fear — so true. Thanks for visiting my blog and reading The Midnight Train. Good luck with your writing. I hope to see more.

    • thanks for particularly liking this poem and I’m glad i’ve visited your blog and I look forward to more of your writing! 🙂 I also wish you more success in the field of writing! 🙂

  63. theinkbrain says:

    Normally I am horrified and disgusted at what passes for poetry today, and even more so by the people who think they can write it. Not so with you. I feel touched when I come across the honest expression of an intense inner-state. It is immediately recognisable to me, and I feel the connection.

  64. morgangibbs says:

    You are a really good poet! I love this one!

  65. Hello, I saw you stopped by my skdd site and wanted to learn a bit about you. I love poets when they bare their souls. Well done. 🙂

  66. slpmartin says:

    The essence of the poem is captured well in its title.

  67. Thanks a lot for visitng my blog again. The poem depicts clearly the internal feeling of a person for the pertner. Such a yearning is a natural one when one takes love as a necessity in life. Anyhow, thanks again.

  68. Paithiam says:

    This is just outstanding. And thanks for the likes.

  69. Harbans says:

    Thanks you very much for visiting my blog and liking the poem entitled, ‘Ied-ul-Fitr’. All your writing has been outstanding indeed, as you are clear in your vision.

  70. Jose Cxi says:

    man, this is wickedly genius!

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